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Giving a chance to live and keep a good health for those who can rely only on God


“ASAP RESCUE" is an officially registered volunteer organisation. With the aim of saving lives and health of Ukrainian citizens, we participate in rescue operations in times of natural disasters and social turmoil. We operate during mass protests and riots, in times of internal instability or external aggression and military operations.

Currently, the organisation has allocated 100% of its resources to provide evacuation and medical services for all those affected by the execution of the counter-terrorist operation (CTO) in Donetsk region. “ASAP Rescue” is also enrolled in a humanitarian mission in CTO zone.

Medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) is performed by “ASAP RESCUE" with the help of specialized and standardized medical vehicles providing en route care. Our paramedics ensure timely transportation to medical institutions and provide first aid during the evacuation of injured, wounded or sick.


Liubov Savytska
Illia Lysenko (“Hottabych”)
Founder and director of “ASAP RESCUE" and “ASAP EMS HOTTABYCH” charity fund
Dmytro Koziarsky “DOUGLAS”
Head of MEDEVAC staff in CTO zone
Tetiyana Skrytach (“Romashka”)
Group lead, paramedic
Lydmyla Plaksina (“Romashka”)
Group lead, paramedic
Yulia Paevska (“Tayra”)
Group lead, paramedic
Group lead, paramedic
Nina Albertson (“Freya”)


Military mission

  • Medical evacuation in sector “D”;
  • Hospital transfers of military personnel;
  • In-region transfers of civilians from/to CTO zone;
  • Fleet repair and maintenance - organisation and coordination;
  • Evacuation from the site of the event (300/injury/200);
  • Transfers from Rehabilitation Centre to hospitals;
  • Transfers of somatic patients/transfers to dentist
  • Hygiene, sanitation (showers) and laundry
  • General clinical service for military personnel 
  • General clinical service for civilians (in “grey” zone, “no man’s land”);
  • Evacuation of civilians from “grey” zone;
  • Ambulance service for civilians;
  • Coordination with military commandant's office

Civilian mission

  • Youth of Bakhmut – an educational project for kids of Bakhmut Orphanage Secondary school #1. The mission of the project is to raise a new generation of young patriots and facilitate the development of their personalities.
    Aims of the project:
    1. Inspiration of patriotic values and formation of personality based on cultural and humanitarian values
    2. Promotion of healthy lifestyle
    3. Inspiration of a positive attitude towards work and public service
    4. Creating conditions for self-actualization and development of creative personalities
  • Rescue service in Zakarpattia region (in development)
  • Media Projects
    1. “Free radio” – FM-radio in CTO-zone
    2. Online-radio;
    3. Development studio
    4. Web-resources


Ukraine has highly and achievements of "ASAP RESCUE" volunteers.

"ASAP RESCUE" team has been awarded multiple times with the governmental and non-governmental awards. We are renowned for providing specialized medical service for Armed Forces of Ukraine, for the dedication to the cause and proven professionalism, for saved lives, considerable contribution to the volunteer movement, prolific charity and humanitarian activities.

Several Peoples’ Heroes of Ukraine, legends of volunteer movement have started their way at "ASAP RESCUE": Yuri Bondar (“Shaman”), Olga Bashey (“Kroha”), Galyna Almazova (“Viterra”), Yulia Paevska (“Taira”).

Our volunteers have been honoured by the following awards:

  • Order of Merit, third grade;
  • Order of Princess Olga, third grade;
  • Medal "For Saving Life";
  • "Gratitude letter" from Ministry of Defence;
  • Ministry of Defence Badge "Sign of homage";
  • Honoured badge of Chief of the General Staff – Chief of Armed Forces – "For services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine";
  • Medal "For services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine";
  • Almost all volunteers received honours and awards from Ministry of Defence or General Staff.


Order of Merit
Order of Merit
Order of Princess Olga, third grade
Order of Princess Olga, third grade
Medal For Saving Life
Medal "For Saving Life"
Відзнака Президента України «За гуманітарну участь в антитерористичній операції»
President’s award "For a Humanitarian Mission in CTO"
Ministry of Defence Badge “Sign of homage”
Ministry of Defence Badge "Sign of homage"
Медаль «За сприяння Збройним силам України»
Medal "For services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine"
Medal For services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine
For services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Орден «Народний Герой України»
Order of "People's Hero of Ukraine"


Media about us


Charity organisation "Charity foundation "ASAP EMS Hottabych"

Headquarters address: 01033, Kyiv, 5 Illi Edinburga street. Mailing address: 04114, Kyiv, 52 Vyshgorodska streert, PO Box #71


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